
Praise Band

Currently we do not have a Praise Band able to regularly perform for Sunday Services. Those interested in revitalizing the Praise Band should contact the Church Office.


The choir performs at the 10:30 AM service from Labor Day through Pentecost.

There are no auditions. Those interested in joining the choir can simply come to practice, which is held every Thursday from 6:30- 8 PM in the Church sanctuary. The choir does not practice during the summer. Choir members should at least be in at least 7th grade.

Community Christmas Cantata

This Christmas celebration takes place the second weekend of Advent. Those wishing to participate in this annual choir should contact NancyJo Ralph at 814-763-5232.

There are no auditions; anyone who is 10 and older is welcome to participate. Practice begins the last Tuesday of September. Times and other details can be found in the bulletin starting in the fall.